You Will Need
Before You Begin
The circumference (thickness) of the 8mm hook should guide you as to how big each of your chains or stitches should be when completed. Do not pull the chains or stitches smaller when taken off the hook. If you find that the stitches are too small, it may be because you do not twist the feeding yarn around your little finger of your left hand (if right- handed) or right hand (if left-handed), to enable you to crochet loosely.
NOTE The half doily and half-moon motifs are worked in half rounds, and not full circle. Make a variety of motifs in both coloured yarns.
Half-Doily Motif
Using 8mm crochet hook, work 6 ch, sl st into 1st ch to form a ring.
1st rnd: 8 ch, * 2 tr into ring, 5 ch *; rep from * to * twice more, 1 tr into ring, turn.
2nd rnd: 5 ch, sl st into 5 ch-sp, * 3 ch, sl st into next 5 ch-sp *; rep from * to * twice more, 3 ch, tr into same sp, turn.
3rd rnd: 3 ch, 2 tr into 3 ch-sp, * 3 ch, 3 tr into 3 ch-sp *; rep from * to * twice more, 3 ch, 3 tr into 5 ch-sp, turn.
4th rnd: 3 ch, 1 tr in each of next 2 tr, * 4 tr into next 3 ch-sp, 1 tr in each of next3tr*;repfrom*to*twice more, 4 tr into next 3 ch-sp, 1 tr in each of next 2 tr, 1 tr into 3 ch-sp, turn.
5th rnd: 6 ch, sl st into next tr, * 6 ch, skip 4 tr, sl st into next tr, 6 ch, sl st in same sp *; rep from * to * 4 more times, 6 ch, sl st into 3 ch-sp at beg of 4th rnd, 6 ch, sl st into same sp.
To create a border for weaving the thin jute twine through, on the straight side of half-doily motif, cont as folls: 3 ch, work 2 tr into same ch- sp at beg of 4th rnd, work 2 tr into tr at end of 3rd rnd, work 3 tr into beg ch-sp of 2nd rnd, work 3 tr into last tr of 1st rnd, work 2 tr into beg of ring, work 3 tr into ch-sp at beg of 1st rnd, work tr into last tr of 2nd rnd, work 2 tr into ch-sp at beg of 3rd rnd, work 3 tr into last tr of 5th rnd.
Secure yarn with a sl st and work away any loose ends.
Half-Moon Motif
Using 8mm crochet hook, work 6 ch, sl st into 1st ch to form a ring.
1st rnd: 2 ch, tr into same sp, * work 2 tr into next ch *; rep from * to * 3 more times, turn.
2nd rnd: 2 ch, * 2 tr in next tr, 2 tr in next tr, 1 tr in next tr *; rep from * to * twice more, 1 tr in 2 ch-sp at beg of 1st rnd, turn.
3rd rnd: 2 ch, * 2 tr in next tr, 1 tr in next tr *; rep from * to * 7 more times, ending last tr in 2 ch-sp, turn. 4thrnd:2ch,*2trinnexttr,1treach in next 2 tr *; rep from * to * 7 more times, ending last tr in 2 ch-sp, turn. 5th rnd: 2 ch, * 2 tr in next tr, 1 tr each in next 3 tr *; rep from * to * 7 more times, ending last tr in 2 ch-sp.
To create the border for weaving the thin jute twine through, on the straight side of half-moon motif, cont as folls: 2 ch, work 2 tr in last tr of 5th rnd, work 2 tr in 2 ch-sp at beg of 4th rnd, work 2 tr in last tr of 3rd rnd, work 2 tr in ch-sp at beg of 2nd rnd, work 2 tr in last tr of 1st rnd, work 2 tr in beg of ring, work 2 tr in ch-sp at beg of 1st rnd, work 2 tr in last tr of 2nd rnd, work 2 tr in ch-sp at beg of 3rd rnd, work 2 tr in last tr of 4th rnd, work 2 tr in ch-sp at beg of 5th rnd. Secure yarn with a sl st and work away any loose ends.
Flag Motif
Using 8mm crochet hook, work 18 ch.
1st row: tr in 3rd ch from hook, * skip 2 ch, 3 tr in next ch *; rep from * to * 3 more times, skip 2 ch, 2 tr in last ch, turn.
2nd row: 3 ch, * 3 tr in next sp between trs *; rep from * to * 4 more times, tr in top of last tr, turn.
3rd row: 3 ch, tr in base of ch just worked,* 3 tr in next sp between trs *; rep from * to * 3 more times, 2 tr in 3 ch-sp, turn.
4th-9th rows: rep the 2nd-3rd rows three more times.
10th row: 6 ch, sl st into next sp between trs, * 2 ch, sl st into next sp between trs, 6 ch, sl st into same sp *; rep from * to * twice more, 2 ch, sl st into 3 ch-sp, 5 ch, sl st into same sp. Secure yarn with a sl st and work away any loose ends.
To Complete The Bunting
Weave 3m of the thin jute twine through the top of motifs, alternating the colours of the motifs. The sequence we used in our bunting is as follows: (from right) white flag, white half doily, cream flag, white half doily, cream half doily, white flag, cream half moon, cream half doily, white half doily and white flag.
Text and image: Ideas magazine