Bougainvilleas originate from the subtropical climate of South America and flourish in tropical environments and on certain islands. Because this seasoned plant is drought-resistant and enjoys warmth, they thrive in our country.
The huge varieties of bougainvilleas available at garden centres are breathtaking, thus making it ideal for any style of garden: in a Victorian-styled garden you can plant a bougainvillea with masses of snow-white flowers and let it grow up over a railing or a metal rod. If you have a more modern garden with loads of colour, you can choose one of the many colours available, some types carry two different colours on one plant, while some brightly coloured types sport two-tone leaves, such as the ‘Tropical Rainbow’. Bougainvilleas with pastel flowers, such as the soft-pink ‘Ada’s Joy’, fit perfectly in an old English garden.
It also looks adorable in big wooden-vat beddings between annual plants in a cottage garden. The plant is rather versatile and can be pruned against trees, railings or high surroundings. It can also be planted in a pot or pruned as a groundcover.
For the vase
Bougainvillea stems with flowers keep rather well in water. Chose stems with more flowers than leaves, as the leaves wither easily. The more mature the flowers, the longer they’ll keep – and they can even dry out in the vase while maintaining their colour.
Words and image: Home magazine