Now that you’ve put plans in place for your own flowering fortress, the garden experts at Home magazine have tips and tricks for when exactly to pick flowers for your home.
When to pick flowers
Florist secrets
1 Use commercial cut-flower food, or mix two tablespoons sugar, 1 litre warm water and 1½ tablespoons household bleach. The old folks used to believe that a crushed aspirin tablet or a copper coin would also extend the life of cut flowers.
2 Before arranging flowers, stand them overnight in water up to their necks.
3 If flowers such as roses appear wilted you can cut a few centimetres off their stems, place them in hot water for an hour and then arrange them in cold water in a vase.If it is very hot you can add ice cubes to the water.
4 Some varieties of flower require special techniques to last longer:
Text and image: Home magazine