Knit this sweater for a baby on its way.
You will need
• 8 balls cotton yarn in white
• scraps of cotton yarn in a contrast colour of your choice
• 3,75mm knitting needles
• 2 stitch-holders
• 3 small buttons
Heart pattern
0 – 6 months
23 sts and 28 rows to 10cm over st st using 3,75mm Ns
Stripe pattern
6 rows white, 2 rows contrast colour
To make
NOTE The number of sts inc over the 12 rows as you work, but in the 12th row you will have the same number of sts you started with. Using 3,75mm Ns and white, c/on 54 sts.
1st row: k.
2nd row: * k3, k2tog, yfwd, k2tog, (yfwd, k1) twice; * rep from * to * to end of row.
3rd row: k.
4th row: * k2, (k2tog, yfwd) twice, k3, yfwd, k1; * rep from * to * to end of row. 5th row: k.
6th row: * k1, (k2tog, yfwd) twice, k5, yfwd, k1; * rep from * to * to end of row. 7th row: k.
8th row: * k3, (yfwd, k2tog) twice, k1, k2tog, yfwd, k2tog; * rep from * to * to end of row.
9th row: k.
10th row: * k4, yfwd, k2tog, yfwd, k3tog, yfwd, k2tog; * rep from * to * to end of row.
11th row: k.
12th row: * k5, yfwd, k3tog, yfwd, k2tog; * rep from * to * to end of row. These 12 rows form the border patt.
Next row: K, inc 11 sts evenly across row [65 sts]. Work 5 rows st st in white and 2 rows in contrast colour. Cont in st st and stripe patt until work measures 28cm from beg, ending with a WS row.
Shape shoulders: C/off 21 sts, work next 23 sts and c/off last 21 sts. Slip the 23 sts on the N onto a stitch-holder.
Work as for the back, but without the stripe patt, until 8 rows are completed after the border patt. Beg with the first heart motif on the 13th st from the side edge and count your sts so the last heart is 13 sts from the other side edge and there are 12 sts between each of the heart motifs. Follow the diagram for the heart motif. Read the diagram as follows: the RS rows from right to left and the WS rows from left to right.
When the diagram is completed, cont with white only in st st until 18 rows fewer have been worked as to beg of shoulder shaping on back, ending with a WS row.
Shape neck: Next row: Work 26 sts, turn and leave rem sts on a stitch-holder. Dec 1 st at the neck edge in every following 3rd row and 1 st at shoulder edge in every alt row until 21 sts rem. Work 6 rows without shaping and c/off. With RS facing, slip first 13 sts on a stitch-holder. Join the yarn to next st at the neck edge and complete as for the first half, reversing all shapings, but work 8 straight rows altogether before you c/off.
Sleeves (make 2 the same): Using 3,75mm Ns and white, c/on 27 sts and work the 12 rows of the border patt.
Next row: K and inc 13 sts evenly across row [40 sts]. Work5rowsststinwhiteand2rowsin a contrast colour and at the same time inc 1 st on both sides in every 6th row until there are 46 sts. Cont in st st and stripe patt until work measures 14cm from beg, ending with a WS row. C/off.
Join right shoulder seam. With RS facing, pick up and k 12 sts along left- hand side of neck edge, k the 13 sts on the stitch-holder for the front, pick up and k 14 sts along right-hand side of neck edge and k 23 sts on the stitch- holder for the back [62 sts]. Work 6 rows in k1, p1 rib and c/off rib-wise.
Button band
With RS facing, pick up and k 29 sts along left shoulder edge of back up to neckband. Work 3 rows in k1, p1 rib and c/off rib-wise.
Buttonhole band
With RS facing, pick up and k 29 sts along left shoulder edge of front from c/off edge of neckband up to side edge. Work 2 rows in k1, p1 rib. Next row: Make 3 buttonholes, one 4 sts in from shoulder edge, the second one 4 sts in from neck edge and the third one evenly spaced between the first two, as follows: c/off 2 sts for each buttonhole.
Next row: C/on 2 sts over 2 sts c/off in previous row. Work 2 more rows in k1, p1 rib then c/off rib-wise.
To make up
Overlap the button band with the buttonhole band and pin together along the side edge. Fold the sleeve in half lengthways, mark the centre of the top edge of the sleeve and sew the sleeve to the side edges of the front and back panels with the mark corresponding with the shoulder seam. Rep with the other sleeve. Join the side and sleeve seams in one continuous seam. Sew on the buttons to correspond with the buttonholes.