Creativity Competition 2011
Magda Vlok from Douglas made this delightful doll – it’s Little Red Riding Hood, Grandma and the wolf in one!
Size Finished height 56cm
You will need
• dressmaker’s graph paper
• pencil and ruler
• 150 x 60cm red fabric
• 70 x 65cm floral printed fabric 65 x 50cm calico
• 40 x 20cm grey fabric
• oddments of yellow and grey DK yarn
• small scraps of felt in black, green, white and red
• small piece of white cotton fabric and lace fabric for grandma’s apron
• strips of lace
• strip of red bias binding
• small strips of red ribbons
• strip of narrow elastic
• decorative buttons
• blue black and red fabric paint
• fine paintbrush
• fabric glue
Dressmaker’s graph paper
If you are unable to get dressmaker’s graph paper, we are offering three A1 sheets for R15. Send your order with a cheque or postal order for R15 to: Ideas Magazine/Dressmaker’s Graph Paper Offer, Box .
To draft the pattern pieces
All the pattern pieces for this doll are given on the grid. One square on the grid represents 1 x 1cm. Draw the pattern pieces full size on metric graph paper, using a pencil to plot the pattern pieces accurately. It is easiest to draw a series of dots where the pattern pieces cross over the grid lines and join the dots afterwards. Always use a ruler to draw the straight lines. Make sure any pattern markers are transferred onto the pattern pieces as indicated on the grid. Add on a seam allowance of 1cm to all the pattern pieces before cutting out.
To sew
Note Sew all the seams with the right sides together and working a 1cm seam allowance.
Bodice of Red Riding Hood’s dress
Cut one front panel on the fold and two back panels from a double layer of red fabric. Join the front to back panels at the shoulder seams. Fold a narrow hem around the neck edge, machine stitch the hem clipping the seam allowance around the curve. Fold a narrow hem at the lower edge of sleeves and machine stitch in position. Join the side seams and the underarm seams in one process.
Bodice of Grandma’s dress
Work exactly as give for red Riding Hood’s dress using the printed fabric.
Note you need only make one skirt as this piece is for both Red Riding Hood and Grandma.
Cut one skirt panel on the fold from each of the red fabric and the printed fabric. With the right sides facing, place the two panels together and close the seam from point A to point B. Open the fabric and stitch along the long side. Now fold the skirt over with the wrong sides of the red and printed fabrics facing (the red fabric is now on the inside and the printed fabric on the outside). Leave the skirt at this stage.
Red Riding Hood’s cape
Cut one piece from a double layer of red fabric. With the right sides facing, close the side seams and the lower edge, leave the neck edge open. Clip the seam and turn through the neck edge to right side. Finish the neck edge with bias binding, leaving a long end at each side to tie into a bow. If you prefer, work decorative embroidery stitching using a contrast coloured thread around the edges of the cape.
Red Riding Hood’s hood
Cut one hood piece from the red fabric and one facing piece from the red fabric. Fold a narrow hem along the top edge of facing and machine stitch closed. Fold a narrow hem along the side edges of hood and machine stitch. With the right sides facing, place the facing and hood together and stitch. Fold the hood in half with the right side facing. Stitch the top edge of the hood closed and turn through to the right side.
Grandma’s bonnet
Cut one piece from printed fabric. Gather a strip of lace and sew it around the outer edge to form a frill. Sew a strip of elastic on the inside of the bonnet approximately 2cm from the edge. The elastic will be pulled to fit over the wolf’s face at a later stage.
Body and head
Cut one body-1 pattern piece and one body-2 pattern from the calico. Cut one wolf’s head pattern and two ears from a double layer of grey fabric. Starting with the wolf, stitch the wolf’s head seam. Cut the opening for the ears as indicated on the pattern piece. Fold each ear in half and close with a dart. Turn the ear over and fold in half again. Place the ears in the corresponding openings and stitch closed. Stitch the wolf’s head to the top edge of body 2. Place the two body pieces together and stitch the seams closed, leaving an opening in one side for stuffing. Turn the body over to the right side and stuff firmly. Use a knitting needle to push the stuffing into the smaller areas. Close the opening with neat hand stitches. Fit the dress over the body, with the red side for Red Riding Hood and the printed side for Grandma. Join the seam at the back of the dress.
Facial and head detail
Red Riding Hood: It is a good idea to refer to the photographs when working this detail. Cut the yellow DK yarn into lengths of approximately30cm and work a plait at each end. Tie a strip of red ribbon at the end of the plait. Join the centre of the yarn at the centre of the head with neat hand stitches. Make smaller loops to resemble a fringe and attach at the forehead section of face. Sew the hood in place to the hair, put on the cape and tie the ends into a neat bow. Using the fabric paint and a fine paint brush, draw the face. Leave the paint to dry.
Grandma: In the same way, cut lengths of grey DK yarn for Grandma’s hair; this time tie the strands together in the centre and attach to the top of the head. You can be as creative as you wish, styling the hair into a bun or cutting the yarn at the shoulder for a cropped style. Fit the bonnet over Grandma’s head and sew it in place along the centre of her hair section. Now pull the elastic in the inside of the bonnet to fit over the wolf’s face. Secure the ends of the elastic. Paint Grandma’s face with the face paint as before. Make an apron for Grandma from the white cotton and lace fabric to fit around her waist and tie securely. Make a shawl from the scraps of lace and place around her shoulders; hold these layers together with a decorative button.
Wolf: from the scraps of felt, cut out the eyes, nose, mouth and teeth. Glue these in place with a small dab of fabric glue and leave to dry.