Kintsugi is the ancient Japanese art of fixing broken ceramics with a mix of lacquer varnish and gold or silver powder. We tried our own version.
You will need
• broken ceramic item
• gold powder
• epoxy glue
• disposable plastic container
• ice-cream sticks
1 Arrange the broken pieces according to how they need to be reassembled.
2 Place a small amount of the gold powder into your disposable plastic container.
3 Add the two parts of the epoxy glue in the correct proportions to the container with the gold powder. Make sure you mix enough to reattach all the pieces.
4 Mix the glue and gold powder together thoroughly to make a golden glue paste. TIP Alternatively, mix the glue first then paint the gold powder onto the cracks afterwards.
5 Apply the gold paste to the edge of the first piece. You will need to work quickly before the glue sets. Just how fast will depend on the type of glue you are using.
6 Attach the second piece to the first and hold together firmly until the glue bonds. Do not wipe away any glue that seeps from the join. Repeat with the rest of the pieces.
Text and image soure: Ideas magazine