Decorate scatter cushions, update an outfit or add a fashionable touch to a bag with layered fabric roses
you will need
(for one rose)
• 20cm dark-red organza
• 20cm dusty-pink organza
• 15cm bright-pink netting
• 10cm pale-pink satin
• 10cm golden-yellow silk
• 20cm dark-red upholstery
• 15cm dark-pink lining
• scissors
• dark-red thread and needle
• leaf and flower templates
• (trace onto thin paper and cut out)
To make
1 Cut a 10 x 20cm strip of red organza, an 8 x 20cm strip of pink organza and a 5 x 20cm strip of netting for the centre. Fold the two organza strips in half lengthwise and pin the raw edges together with the net strip between the two. Hand stitch the pieces together lightly and gather into a rose shape. Stitch the bottom to secure.
2 Using the leaf template, cut two pieces of satin and one piece of silk. Fold the points around the rose shape and stitch in position.
3 Cut and pin together a 10 x 10cm net square, topped with a small upholstery flower (cut from the flower template), a 10 x 10cm dark organza square, a small dark organza flower and a 10 x 10cm pink organza square. Place the rose shape on it and, working from the back, stitch in place in the centre.
4 Cut and pin together a medium upholstery flower, topped with a 12 x 12cm net square, a medium-sized lining flower, a medium pink organza and a dark organza flower. Sew to the rose shape as before. Cut and pin together in the following order: a 14 x 14cm piece of net, topped with a large upholstery flower, a large dark organza flower, a large dusty-pink organza flower and a medium-sized dark organza flower. Sew to the rose as before, ending off neatly
Value tip?
Use a big safety pin to secure the rose to your jacket or bag.