You will need
To make
Enlarge the template to the required size, trace onto a piece of paper and cut out. A 1cm seam allowance has been included. The height of our fabric tree is 16,5cm.
1 For the patchwork stripes, cut out strips of cotton fabric in different widths. Sew these strips together as you would sew patchwork with the right sides facing. Press the seams open. Place the template on top of the finished patchwork and cut out. You will need two fabric pieces for each tree; the back of the tree can be cut from white or printed cotton fabric.
2 Place the right sides together. Cut the nylon cord into 10cm lengths and fold one in half to make the hanging loop. Pin the loop to the top of the tree.
3 Machine stitch around the tree, catching the loop into the seam at the same time. Leave an opening for turning. Clip the corner of the seams and points diagonally. Turn through to the right side.
4 Insert the polyester stuffing into the opening and sew closed.
Words and image: Ideas magazine