Make a lampshade from just a few doilies, a balloon and glue.
You will need
• an assortment of crocheted doilies
• wallpaper paste
• paintbrushes
• large balloon
• petroleum jelly
• kitchen string
• newspaper
To make
1 Inflate the balloon until it is the size you want your lampshade to be then tie a knot in the end. Use kitchen string to hang the balloon in a place where you can work around it comfortably.
TIP Hang the balloon from a stick between two cupboards; secure the ends of the stick with masking tape to the cupboards so it does not move around.
2 Coat the whole balloon with petroleum jelly – use a paintbrush or your fingers – so the doilies won’t stick to it.
3 Mix the wallpaper paste with water according to the manufacturer‘s instructions. Work on newspaper and paint a thick layer of paste onto the first doily then stick in place on the balloon below the knot. Remember to leave an opening at the top through which to insert the cord for the lightbulb. Paint another layer of paste over the doily when it is in position on the balloon.
4 Stick another doily next to the first one in the same way, but let them overlap each other so there is no open space between them. Cover the whole balloon in this way and then paint over another layer or two of wallpaper paste. Leave to dry completely – this could take 24 hours or longer.
5 When the doily lampshade is completely dry and hard, you can prick the balloon to burst it. Carefully remove the burst balloon by pulling it out through the opening.
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