Now is your chance to get your hands on the much sought after enamelled, cast iron cookware you’ve always dreamed of.
The sale is now on! From 10 January to 1 February Le Creuset will be showcasing its outstanding range of cookware. Recognised the world over for its premium quality products, this is certainly an opportunity you do not want to miss out on.
Cups and saucer sets now less 25%
The sets of two cups and saucers are the perfect gift and come packaged in their own unique box set.
Espresso was R320 now R240
Cappuccino was R350 now R262.50
All pale rose stoneware now less 25%
This feminine colour is subtle and joyful and creates a romantic carefree mood. Pale rose softens its surroundings and is a nostalgic treasure in any kitchen.
At Le Creuset Boutique Stores only and online at
Text and images: Le Creuset Cookware