Simply add some wheels to off-the-shelf timber legs, fix them to an old window frame et voila!
Shopping list
• old window
• four 450mm Queen Anne-style legs (available at joinery wholesalers)
• four small castors
• cordless and corded drill; 3mm, 10mm drill bit
• pencil
• hammer
• tri-square
• measuring tape
• sander
• cold glue
• 75mm cut screws
• 120 grit sandpaper
• wood filler
• paintbrush
1 Cut the legs to the required length. Window frames vary in size, so we added a castor to one of the legs then trimmed the length until we were happy with both the functional height as well as the overall proportions the table would have. Now mark and cut the other legs to the same length.
2 Drill 10mm holes in the base of the legs for the fitting. Use a hammer to tap these firmly in place. Then fit the castors.
3 Mark out the position of the leg base where it will sit on the frame, then use the 3mm drill bit to drill pilot holes all the way through. Turn the window over and countersink these holes to about 5mm in depth.
4 Use the 75mm cut screws to fix the legs to the underside of the window frame, as shown. Fill all the holes with wood filler and when dry, sand to a smooth finish.
Source: Home magazine