Quick project guide
Hard labour 2/10
Skill level 4/10
Time needed about one hour
Finished size ±125mm (H) x 420mm (W) x 90mm (D)
DIY ±R80 plus, timber R65, screws and dowel R15
Shopping list
Get started
1 Drill two pilot holes at each end. Fit the hacksaw into the chuck and drill out the bottle openings.
TIP An offcut piece under the plank will prevent the wood from splitting.
2 Position the 420mm length over the legs and fix in place using the drill and 40mm chipboard screws, driving the screws at least 5-8mm into the timber, as shown.
3 Now tap the dowel into the holes and cut off flush with the surface, using a hacksaw blade. Now sand the entire piece to a smooth finish, paying particular attention to the cut dowel.
4 Rest the glasscutter on the edge of the jig and press it firmly against the glass as you turn the bottle slowly to score a straight line, ending at your starting point.
5 Pour boiling water into the bottle to just pass the score line. Once the bottle is hot, spray cold water all along the score line while slowly rotating the bottle.
6 The bottle should shear neatly along the score line (it’ll help if you tap against score line). Lightly sand the edges of the bottles by polishing on carbide tungsten waterpaper.
Project notes
Words: Ashley Stemmett, Home magazine
Photographs: Francois Oberholster, Home magazine