Your furry friend often faces problems that go unnoticed. We at Dailyfix have put together a list of common problems and solutions to help you notice – and tackle these everyday problems.
Teething problems
Dental conditions usually start with a build-up of sticky plaque that hardens to form tartar. If this isn’t removed, it can lead to gingivitis (painful infected gums). The bacteria and toxins in the infected mouth can enter the bloodstream and affect vital organs, in turn causing serious illness, including heart and kidney disease.
What causes it?
What to look out for
Look out for bad breath, sore mouth, difficulty eating, loose teeth or loss of teeth, pawing or rubbing the mouth, bleeding gums, yellow or brown tartar on teeth and dribbling.
Tie a yellow ribbon…
Sometimes dogs need space when out in public – they may be in training or undergoing rehabilitation, they may be scared or reactive around other dogs, or they may have health issues. The Yellow Dog Project cleverly addresses this problem with a simple signal: a yellow ribbon or anything yellow on a dog’s leash says, ‘Stay clear!’ It gives you time to move out of their way. If your dog is in the same position, tie a yellow ribbon and join in.
Second time around
Run out of poop bags? Reuse your empty bread packets! They’re perfect for the purpose.