Pet insurance covers everything from minor illnesses (such as ear infection and bee stings) to major conditions (such as broken bones, diabetes and cancer). But it’s not only useful for accidental injuries, it also provides cover towards preventative care (such as vaccinations, spaying, flea-, tick- and worm-control, sterilisation and teeth cleaning) when you select the relevant cover. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions:
What is not covered
As is the case with most insurance policies, there are exclusions to keep your premiums low. These include pregnancy, elective procedures, diet-related issues, grooming, behavioural problems, tick paralysis, hereditary and congenital defects, and pre-existing conditions that showed clinical signs before taking out the insurance.
Is there an age limit
There’s no age limit on any of our policies; however, two of them stipulate that no pet under the age of eight weeks or older than eight years may enrol. Once enrolled, cover may be kept for life.
What is an accidental injury
This is a visible bodily injury that occurs as a result of external violence, such as broken bones, snakebites or injuries due to fights.
What is an illness
An illness is an unexpected sickness or disease, or any change to your pet’s normal healthy state, which is not caused by injury. This could be anything from an upset tummy to skin conditions or ear infections.
TIP Ask your vet about having your pet microchipped or tattooed – being able to prove your pet’s identification in an emergency means you can use any vet countrywide with the benefit of medical aid cover.
For more information contact Hippo.
Words and image: Home magazine