Lightly prune roses this month to encourage a good autumn flush. Leave sufficient foliage to supply nutrients to the plant and prevent sunburn on stems.
Sow seed of cosmos thinly in situ for colour throughout autumn.
Don’t prune camellias that are already forming buds for autumn and winter flowering, or shrubs that produce autumn berries.
Fertilise citrus trees with a general fertiliser; azaleas, camellias and magnolias prefer a fertiliser formulated to suit their needs.
Lily borers and caterpilliars are active and tunnel into amaryllis, crinums, nerines, clivias and lfafa lilies. Control them with Margaret Roberts Biological Caterpillar Insecticide.
Give evergreen hedges a good trim, sloping slightly inwards so the base is slightly wider than the top; this allows water and sunshine to penetrate to the root area.
Container-grown plants need frequent watering, sometimes twice a day in dry weather. Fertilise regularly to encourage continuous flowering.
Source: Home magazine
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