Reader’s Question
I’m interested in plants that attract birds to the garden. I’m keen to plant shrubs, grasses and trees that attract as many different species as possible, including bats. Can you please give me a list of suggestions?
JJ’s Answer
The easiest birds to attract to your garden are the fruit eaters and I’d suggest three shrubs for them: the dogwood (Rhamnus prinoides), the lemon thorn (Cassinopsis ilicifolia) and last year’s tree of the year, the tree fuchsia (Halleria lucida). What makes the latter so special is that it attracts fruit eaters after the flowers have already attracted nectar feeders. Wild dagga (Leonotis), red-hot pokers (Kniphofia), aloes and Cape honeysuckle (Tecomaria/Tecoma capensis) also attract nectar feeders.
If your garden is small and you can’t add more plants, you can also invest in a birdbath, a feeder or even a sunbird feeder. Woodpeckers will happily breed in your garden if you install a woodpecker box; the same applies to owls. To attract butterflies, plant the Buddleja – which is not known as the butterfly bush for nothing. The new trend is to create a nesting spot for bats too, to control mosquitoes and other nocturnal insects.
Words: Home magazine