Grow Cape honeysuckle (Tecoma capensis) with orange, yellow or apricot flowers as a background shrub to orange crocosmias and day lilies with orange and gold gazanias in the foreground. For contrast, include tawny ornamental grasses.
Brightly coloured zinnias can withstand heat and range from tall dahlia and cactusflowered varieties for borders, to dwarf types that brighten rockeries. Zinnia angustifolia with dainty white, orange and gold flowers is ideal for spilling over low walls and containers.
In Partial Shade
In light or filtered shade, add splashes of colour with Impatiens, Browallia, Torenia, fuchsia and begonia, or the foliage of Coleus, ferns, variegated ivy and Chlorophytum (hen-and-chickens).
Bedding begonias grow in rich, well-drained soil in morning sun or partial shade. Plant in a broad band along paths to make a ribbon of colour, or opt for massed plantings, window boxes and containers.