You Reap What You Sow
16 February 2015 - 8:00 AM
To give a child a meal will only suffice for the moment, to teach them to grow their own food will provide a lifetime of nourishment
To give a child a meal will only suffice for the moment, to teach them to grow their own food will provide a lifetime of nourishment
Bursting with the sweetness of summer, berries are child’s play to grow at home
Missing the crunch in carrots and the tang in tomatoes? Then it’s time to grow your own veggies
An avid Boland gardener has created a shed that will be the envy of any green-fingered fundi
Did you know gardeners can play a small but vital role in reducing the negative effects of climate change?
There is a wide variety of ornamental grasses to choose from and numerous ways to successfully use them in your own garden
If you’ve always found those brittle, greyish-green leaves bought in supermarkets a little depressing, rather plant an evergreen bay tree and harvest the pungent leaves yourself
Our in-house expert answers your question
Add a touch of romance to your garden – with loads of love!
You can soon be mastering the art of bonsai growing
Plant a granadilla – it will soon cover a fence and produce delicious fruits
A great garden task – and an act of love – for February
There is no greater gardening love than growing your own freshly scented roses
Penelope Horwood’s excellent gardening tips
We meander through the pathways of reader Penelope Horwood’s garden
Take in all the sights on offer, at the little French corner
With a climate and topography that is as varied as ours, it’s only too easy to add some French elegance to your garden
Make a planting bag that can be hung against any wall
A step-by-step guide that makes planting your own bonsai easy-peasy
Rose guru Ludwig Taschner answers our readers’ queries. His answers could help you too
Fresh flowers in your home shows you’re in touch with nature. Here’s how to make them last
Easy to grow – so cultivate it in your garden, or in a pot at the kitchen door
A bonsai is like a pet. It needs loving attention
Here’s how to get your blossoms to beat the heat!
Shape your ideal garden using these simple tips
This easy how-to guide will keeps your plants at their best all year round