Overwatering is the single biggest cause of the decline and death of houseplants – plants should never stand in water.
All plants need the natural elements of sunlight, water, and nutrients but as houseplants have been removed from their natural environment, they also need extra care and maintenance. Remember that few indoor plants can cope with a full day’s sun and, with our country’s widely divergent climactic conditions, plants that flourish outdoors in the warmer regions may need to be cultivated indoors in areas prone to frost or even extreme heat. But there are many products to help you care for your indoor plants. Fertiliser sticks are also handy, as they gradually release their nutrients into the soil; simply follow the manufacturers’ instructions. Aphids and scale are the most common pests on indoor plants – ask your local nursery for recommended remedies.
As Décor
Indoor plants make striking accent points, provided they – and their containers – complement their surroundings, and that the container has a drip tray to catch surplus water. The trend is to revisit old favourites like Mother-in-law’s tongue, ferns, and the hardy aspidistra.
Source: Home magazine