Recycling, living organically and homemade crafts aren’t limited to our homes any more: they’ve sparked a worldwide trend that has also exerted its influence on décor.
You Will Need
To Make
1 Cut the rug canvas to the size you require for your mat. Using the knitting yarn and embroidery thread, work a row of stitching all around the edge of the canvas to strengthen it – make sure the stitches are loose so that they don’t cause the canvas to pucker. Cut the plastic bags into strips measuring approximately 15cm x 2cm.
2 Insert the latch hook into a hole in the canvas and fold a plastic strip in half over the hook at the end of the needle.
3 Pull the needle back through the hole so that a third of the doubled strip (folded in half) goes through it.
4 Push the needle through the loop that is formed by the doubled strip. Fasten the two loose ends and pull them through the loop.
5 Pull the two ends tight and complete the rest of the mat in the same manner. When you are finished, trim the ends (especially those around the edges) to create a neater appearance.
Source: Ideas Magazine