You Will Need
To Make
1 Spray a thin coat of glue on the back of the stencil or paint on the stencil glue. Leave to dry.
2 Position the stencil on the napkin or tea towel and stick masking tape around the edges so you don’t stencil over the edges by mistake. Stick down firmly.
TIP Apply gold-leaf size to a smooth work surface to prevent the fabric moving around.
3 Pour a little paint onto the tile or glass chopping board. Press your sponge brush’s tip into it then blot a little. Dab lightly over the stencil to transfer the motif to the fabric. Leave the paint to dry slightly and repeat for a more solid appearance. Remove the stencil.
TIP Use a small artist’s paintbrush and a little paint to fill in any places that you may have missed.
4 Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to heat set the paint.
More Stencil Tips
Text and image: Ideas