Make a kaleidoscope of butterflies to flutter across a lampshade.
You will need
• paper lantern
• paper with butterfly outlines
• butterfly templates (below)
• scissors
• glue gun
Butterfly templates
To make
1 Make colour photocopies of butterfly paper and use the templates to make more butterflies in other colours. Copy the templates then cut them out and trace the butterflies on to pretty paper.
2 Cut out all the butterflies and fold each one down the centre. (We used about 70 butterflies for our large paper lantern.)
3 Open up the lantern and stick the butterflies to the paper using the glue gun. Be careful, as the glue is very hot.
TIP Hang up the lantern before you glue on the butterflies, and step back every now and then to make sure you are happy with your composition.
NOTE Chinese paper lanterns are available at Chinese shops and party supply stores.