The ideal spot for a yesterday, today and tomorrow is beneath your bedroom window! When it starts flowering, open your windows wide to get the most from its highly scented blooms. Its flowers start off a deep purple when they open, changing the next day to mauve and the next they’re white – hence its common name: yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Once it blooms in late spring, this Brazilian shrub loses most of its leaves, leaving behind a mass of flowers. Yesterday, today and tomorrow grows easily and quickly, prefers warm, humid conditions and will grow well in areas with high rainfall. It won’t thrive in dry inland regions; in winter rainfall areas it needs regular watering in the dry summer months. This shrub likes compost-rich soil in sun or partial shade. If you grow it in semi-shade, azaleas and fuchsias are good companion plants.
Plant Guide
Common Name Yesterday, today and tomorrow
Botanical Name Brunfelsia pauciflora
Words: Marié Esterhuyse, Home magazine
Imgae: Home magazine